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Lynn Rose

I started writing poetry after officially being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 2020. I show my journey living with multiple sclerosis and any knowledge I pick up on my way. From what helps, natural remedies, and medications. I have suffered from depression my entire life, and writing has helped me a lot. In my poetry, you will see my inner demons what's underneath all these scars. I show you a glimpse of my pain, past and present loves and losses. I show you my deepest voice that no one will ever see.


“What Makes The Woman, The Warrior, & The Wordsmith So Unique?”

In the vast landscape of the blogosphere, there’s a story unfolding—one that goes beyond the posts and the poetry. This is a glimpse into the heart and soul behind the… Read More »“What Makes The Woman, The Warrior, & The Wordsmith So Unique?”

7 Natural Remedies

95% of People Enjoyed Better Sleep with 7 Natural Remedies

I suffer from insomnia, I can honestly say I don’t remember the last time I slept. Never more than a few hours, never consecutive and never all night. It doesn’t… Read More »95% of People Enjoyed Better Sleep with 7 Natural Remedies


How To Erase the Years: Natural Remedies for Reclaiming Youthfulness

The desire for youthful and vibrant skin is universal, and nature offers a treasure trove of natural remedies to help achieve this goal. There are a variety of natural herbal… Read More »How To Erase the Years: Natural Remedies for Reclaiming Youthfulness

Simple Home Remedies

Incredible Results from Simple Home Remedies: Healthy Diet Solutions

In a world of fad diets and weight loss trends, returning to natural, whole foods is a refreshing and sustainable approach to achieving a healthier diet and weight loss. Lets… Read More »Incredible Results from Simple Home Remedies: Healthy Diet Solutions

MS Many Masks

MS & My Many Masks, That I Show To The Would

How much of our life’s do we hide behind a mask? We have the fake smile, we have the I’m OK mask. We have the invisible one, we’re everyone ignores… Read More »MS & My Many Masks, That I Show To The Would

My Tubal Removal

My Post Tubal Ligation Story, No More Babies

My Tubal Removal Story I had my tubes removed on 4/9/21, at 30 years old. I have wanted to get them removed for so long. I knew I didn’t want… Read More »My Post Tubal Ligation Story, No More Babies