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Do You Ever Think Of Me? Cuz Your All I Think Of, I.E.O. Love Poetry

Do You

Do You Ever Think Of Me?
Cuz your all I think of
Do I ever just take over your thoughts?
Cuz you’re all that’s running thru my mind on repeat
Do you ever see me in your dreams?
Cuz your all I want to dream of
Do you ever reminisce about our times?
Cuz I know I do
Do you ever just want me?
Cuz f*** I know I want you
Do you ever think of my touch?
Cuz I try so hard to remember the feel of your touch
Do you ever think of us?
Cuz is is all I ever think of
Do you ever think of what we had?
Cuz I can’t seem to forget it
Do you ever feel the need for me?
Cuz the need I have for you is taking over me
Do you ever wish you could go back to us?
Cuz that’s all I wish for
Do you ever think of our love?
Cuz that love I have only ever felt with you
Do you ever think of us together?
Cuz that’s all I want
Do you ever think of the love we made?
Cuz are body fit together like a lost puzzle piece
Do you ever want me as much as I want you?
Cuz I know you’re all I want!
I.E.O. <3

Do You Ever Think Of Me?

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14 thoughts on “Do You Ever Think Of Me? Cuz Your All I Think Of, I.E.O. Love Poetry”

  1. An honest poem about such a strong love! I got the app, canvo . I haven’t used it yet but it looks like a lot of fun. I can’t remember now if I told you about my blog. I have had it for four years now. It has been quite exciting for me. I didn’t know that so many people liked Haiku. I have about 370 followers now from about 30 different countries. Wowser! I can hardly believe it! It helps me to get through the tough times. How about you? Does doing your poetry help you get through ? Keep me posted about your appointment. Lol

    1. Thank you Susan yea you can do a lot on there once you get the hang of it. It is great that you’ve built it to that many. Yes, I wish I started writing sooner it has helped me so much. Nothing on the appointment as of now thank you for asking.

      1. Feeling downtrodden today and it is so hard to keep up a happy face for those around me. The pain was so bad that I had a hard time doing much of anything. Depression and anxiety have hit with a vengeance. I lost it for a little while and ran to the bathroom to weep for a minute. I am shaking really badly. I hope that your day was better, Lynn. Thanks for listening, friend!

        1. I’m so sorry, friend. I wish I could hug you! So tight I feel you on every level. I wish I had some way to help. My day does not compare just pain and more pain. I decided to weed eat my front yard on Wednesday and died. hahaha, my arm still hurts, and I had to wrap my right leg. I don’t know what the heck happened to it, hahah I’ve been having stomach issues, maybe because the medication I’d know longer in my system. I got my referral for a new nero, but it’s too far, so I’m going to have to request another. I hope you have a better day and a better weekend with rest and know intrusive thoughts.

          1. Thanks, Lynn. I could really use that hug about now. We can have a virtual hug! 🤗. There, that helps! You do help just by being there to care and understand. Today is not quite as bad as yesterday, thank goodness. In my mind i am in a place where butterflies dance! Hope you have a good weekend, my dear friend.

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