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Do You Know What It Feels Like?

Do You Know What It Feels Like

Do you know what it feels like
To know this house will never be your home
To know that you can be kicked out on the street at any moment
To know that he knows you have nowhere to go
Do you know what it feels like
To know that car that’s in your name Isn’t yours
To know when you’re kicked out, you won’t have a vehicle to leave in
To know he knows you have no way to leave
Do you know what it feels like
To know nothing I do will ever matter
To know that no matter of work will equal to his job
To know that because I don’t get paid for my daily efforts, I dont own shit
Do you know what it feels like
To know that you have to sit there and endure his daily wrath
To know you and your kids will be emotionally abused once again
To know in the end it’s all of us that’s the problem, and he’s the victim
Do you know what it feels like
To know you have nowhere to go, no help
To know that you need to leave to save yourself and, more importantly, my kids
God, I hope you don’t know what it feels like
I hope you never know
But there’s a part of me that thinks you might know
For that, Im dearly sorry

✍️ 12/16/23 3:53 p.m.

Do You Know What It Feels Like?

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