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Going Thru Life, Not Truly Me, Invisible Illness Poetry

I'm Going Thru Life, Not Living

Going Thru Life
I am going thru life
Not truly me
Kind of sleepwalking
Mind if foggy
Body is slowly failing me
I honestly can’t remember how it feels
To not be in pain
To not know if my body is going to give out on me
To not know what symptom I will be waking up with today
To not know if my thoughts will take over me
Knowing if my symptoms knock me on my a**
My family will question why the normal things aren’t done
They don’t see me or my symptoms
Only that dinner aint on the table
I’m going thru life
Not living
Just surviving
You think you’re improving
Then you wake to face reality that this is your life
Your symptoms will always fluctuate
You will always have bad days and better ones
So I keep waking with this invisible illness
I keep waking with these demons
I keep fighting
For that is all I can do

Going Thru Life, Invisible Illness Poetry

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16 thoughts on “Going Thru Life, Not Truly Me, Invisible Illness Poetry”

  1. I don’t have MS, but I can really relate to this poem because I have another invisible illness- a bipolar disorder. With my mental illness I feel much like you do in many respects. My brain is failing me, and I never know what each day will bring. My thoughts and my heart are with you! Lots of love and a hug.💕- Susan

  2. That is a very moving poem. I can only understand as an outsider to such a chronic condition but had a very close friend with MS and watched determination to battle on. She was an ardent theatre goer and art lover and got around London valiantly on her wheelchair. Sending hugsx

  3. I understand! I do not bear M.S., but I associate with a rare genetic myopathy that causes severe Rhabdomyolysis. It is an unpredictable and disabling condition at times. It’s difficult to explain to others who don’t “get it”. Of course, my family understands completely. But I don’t bother others with an explanation. God blesses me greatly as I trust in Him. You are not alone!

    1. I’m sorry I can relate to not bother explaining to others as well. My family seems to not understand either being such an invisible illness most can only comprehend what they can see.

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  6. Your resilience shines through, a beacon of hope amidst the shadows.
    Your courage and resilience are an inspiration to all who read your poem.
    And keep weaving your beautiful words into the tapestry of life, please.
    Warmly, ❦❦❦

  7. Pingback: No One Really Sees Me, Invisible Illness Poetry

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