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I Was So Big, So Loud, Thoughts Poetry

I Was So Big

II Was So Big
I was loud
I was so young
I was unused
I was free
I was me
Now i’m small
I am quiet
My soul is as old as my battered heart
My mind is used beyond repair
I’m locked in a prison
Were everything was taken from me
Were everything I was was chipped off
Over the years, little by little
Were anything I believed in was broken
Were my thoughts were not validated
Were my confidence was completely taken
Were you tormented my soul
Year after year
Until I lost everything I was
Until I became who you wanted me to be
Until I became someone you could control
Now I am who you created
Im who you hate
Im who you continue to hurt daily
I’m no longer me
I am a lost soul caught in a storm
Within I can not escape
Spinning round and round
Only thunder lights the sky
With all my old memories
That haunts me as i’m stuck in this storm
Spinning round and round
Lost in this nightmare

I Was So Big, So Loud, Thoughts Poetry

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5 thoughts on “I Was So Big, So Loud, Thoughts Poetry”

  1. Pingback: Why Are You Like This? They Asked... Narcissist Poetry

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