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I Wish I Could Go Back & Tell That Young Girl

I Wish I Could Go Back

I Wish I Could Go Back
I wish I could tell that young girl to run
I would tell her those things don’t matter
I wish I could tell her to work hard make something for herself
I wish I could tell her to use birth control
I wish I could tell her those boys do not define ME
I would tell her school is the only thing that matters
I wish I could tell her not to follow her mothers footsteps
I wish I could tell her that boy will break her
I wish I could tell her she does better alone
I would tell her not to settle
I wish I could tell her how unhappy her life will be if she doesn’t
I wish I could tell that young girl everything that’s breaking her
Will not matter when she’s older
I wish I could scream at that young girl he is not worth the scars your inflicting & he’s leaving
I wish I could yell at her for allowing herself to be everything she hated when growing up
I wish I could show her what she’ll become
I wish she could see me
I wish she could feel all I hold in everyday
I wish she could see the pain behind by eyes
I wish she could touch me and feel the hatred I have for myself
I wish I could go back and beg that little girl to do it all differently!

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I Wish I Could Go Back & Tell That Young Girl, Thoughts Poetry

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2 thoughts on “I Wish I Could Go Back & Tell That Young Girl”

  1. I love that artwork of you! The poem made me cry! Are you doing OK? Wish I could hug you about right now. I am with you in our place and we are drinking ice tea and swinging in the hammock and sharing our life and laughter. No masks in our place. Such freedom from the everyday there in our special place together. Still so hot where you are? Are you still having to weed eat the lawn? Hope your pain is better. Thinking of you!🤗

    1. I’m fine. I’ve just been resting, we went to Laughlin on the weekend, and the drive got me really sick. Had to clean my air conditioner it was just to hott. Yes, I actually went out there at 8 last night and did it, lol. Seems I have to every other week. It’s been 110 lately. Haven’t noticed any improvement in my pain since they increased my dose. I’m glad you like the art. Sorry it made you cry. I wrote most of my poetry a while ago. Sadly, I haven’t written in a while, nor been working on my blog. Might just give it up. Glad to have you and our place

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