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I Wonder Why You Hate Me So Much, I Then Think Of The Pain I Caused You, I.E.O. Love Poetry

I Wonder Why

I wonder why you hate me so much
I wonder if you ever loved me
I wonder if you think of me
I wonder if you only remember what I did
I wonder if you think of her
I then think of all the pain I caused you
I then remember how set I was on getting even how
I didn’t start the betrayal, but I sure as hell
Ended it
I did things to you that are unforgivable
I lost myself in getting revenge
In the end, we made sure we hated each other
Hated what we had done to one another
Hated causing someone we loved so much pain
Hated that we let all the people who never wanted us to be win
Hated that I lost my true love
Hated that I brought myself to that level
I wonder why I’m not on your mind as often as you are on mine
I wonder why you don’t want me as much as I crave you
I wonder why it’s so easy for you to ignore me
Why it’s so easy for you to never think of me
Then I remember all I did to you as I know
It goes both ways
Takes two to play
You did to me first
But I went too far
I cut too deep
I tried to find my way back to you
But by that time, I had strayed too far
I had become more than you could forgive
I do not blame you
As I do not forgive myself either
I think of each scar I left on you
I think of each betrayal
I think of each disgusting thing I did
And I live with it daily
How could you ever forgive me
When I can’t even forgive myself
For the pain, I wanted to inflict on you
For you causing me pain
For the pain, I did inflict on you
The things I did not once brought me the
Pleasure of you
The things I had to endure to get even
Has left me forever longing for you
I.E.O. <3

I Wonder Why You Hate Me So Much, I Then Think Of The Pain I Caused You, I.E.O. <3 Love Poetry

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13 thoughts on “I Wonder Why You Hate Me So Much, I Then Think Of The Pain I Caused You, I.E.O. Love Poetry”

  1. This is such a powerful poem about love! It takes a lot of courage to write straight from the soul like this, Lynn. I am so glad that you have found your voice! I look forward to more like this. Lol

  2. Pingback: I Think Of You Often, Love Poetry, I.E.O. <3 - MsHazyBrain

  3. Pingback: You Are The Thoughts That Run Through This Mind, I.E.O. Love

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