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I’m Very Quiet Now, Like To Keep To Myself

I'm Very Quiet Now

I’m Very Quiet Now
Like to keep to myself
Keep everything in, bottled up
You never know
What world I’m in
A fairy tale
A memory
Good or bad
Or hell
I never know
Every bad thought
Every self doubt
Every put down
Every sin
Every regret
Every hurt
Every let down
Every lost love
Running on repeat in my head
It’s the only constant in my life
The only thing that haunts me
Is my own mind I live in daily

I’m Very Quiet Now, Like To Keep To Myself

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19 thoughts on “I’m Very Quiet Now, Like To Keep To Myself”

  1. I love your poem, Lynn! When you write you speak soul to soul, and I really like that about you. When I watch you recite your poetry it takes on even more meaning for me. Are you making any progress on getting your medicine? Are you going downhill without it? Lol

    1. Thank you so much Susan it means so much to me. Downhill lol called pharmacy scheduled yesterday. Then today, the pharmacy says they never scheduled and can’t because they need prior authorization for the generic one as well. I lost it, so I asked the pharmacy ok did you inform my doctor, or are you expecting me to. They say we did on 12/4/23. I was like, are you kidding me its been over a month since you tried contacting them. And of course, when I tried calling the doctor, they didn’t answer! I’m so over it now, honestly, the back and forth and the just the plain disrespect I feel in regards to my neurologist and his staff. It is so physically and mentally draining. Thank you for caring. I truly appreciate it.

  2. Hi, Lynn! I thought that I had sent a comment about your poem this afternoon, but maybe I forgot to hit the reply button. Just in case I will comment again. I really love your poem. It is written deeply from the heart and soul. I was blown away when I saw you recite it. It spoke to my soul! How are you doing? Are you having bad symptoms from your lack of medicine? Are you making any progress in getting your medicine? Keep me informed. Lol

  3. Your eloquence in finding just such words is beautiful. I love the form you used and the reading stellar. Thanks for sharing this insight. I send you healing blessings. Keeping g you in my prayers. Bless you.

  4. Pingback: I Try My Hardest, I'm The Villain, He's The Victim,

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