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I’ve Got Many Layers, Some That I Show To The World

I've Got Many Layers

I’ve got many layers
Some that I show to the world
Very false identity
Very hidden
Some that I show to friends
Very real at times
Very secretive
Some that I show to my family
Very Invisible
Very silent
I’ve got many layers
You see
So many, but the true me is here
In my writing
That’s the only place you’ll find her

✍️12/13/23 5:46 p.m.

I’ve Got Many Layers, Some That I Show To The World

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2 thoughts on “I’ve Got Many Layers, Some That I Show To The World”

  1. A wonderful poem about layers. I can relate to it. A good day to spend in our place. I need the beauty, the laughter , the peace and the friendship. I am doing some drawings for a children’s book that I have written. It is about a guinea pig detective who solves the case of the stinky cheese. Keeps me busy and out of trouble. hahah. What are you up to? 🤗

    1. I no you can. I’m always here for you friend. That’s so cool you have so many creative things about you i wish I did lol. My son has basketball after school until 7pm so it definitely makes the days longer cuz I’m trying to curl up in a ball in bed at 5 haha. It’s so miserably hott. My husband bought me a new lawn mower and weed eater, even did the yard. So no more weed eating for me haha I don’t know why he’s trying I told him we can’t be fixed. I’m just here trying to not let these bad thoughts take over me but they have been winning ever day I find myself stuck in this hell.

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