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MEAN MIKE, Nightmare Of A Round House, Past Life Poetry



I was young
I lived with mom
And her many boyfriends throughout my life
I remember I lived up the hill
In this two story roundhouse
I remember Mom getting drug up those stairs
I remember Mom getting beat on the way
I remember her screams
I can remember his face
I remember eventually getting involved
I remember you doing the same thing to me
I remember you dragging me down those stairs
By my wrists
I remember how your hatred could fill that beautiful house
I remember Us finally getting out of there for good
I remember seeing you when I was 12
When I finally had a voice
When I finally said all I wanted to you
The pure hatred I felt for you
I remember wanting to k*** you
I remember how my mom was completely fine with you now
I remember how my brother and sister couldn’t understand
How I could have so much hatred for some guy
How I could want to inflict such pain on him
How my heart could turn to such malice with the look of you
I was there
I remember what you did to my mother
I remember what you did to me
I remember the smile on your face when you did it
I remember who you are
I remember the pain to this day I remember that nightmare of a round house
I wear the scars you left behind
I live with the torment you inflicted
I live with the hatred I have for you
As I am not a child anymore
And you will not win this time

MEAN MIKE, Nightmare Of A Round House, Past Life Poetry

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