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My Terrifying Journey through the Medication Nightmare: A Warning to All


So I finally get a hold of Thursday 1/11. The girl says, ” I’ve been trying to get a hold of you. I left several messages. ” No, you didn’t. I have no messages, no missed calls, and anyone else trying to get a hold of me can. As she continues to make excuses.

She has no answers to any of my questions, only questions of her own. She says, “My neurologist needs to know how many days I’ve been off my med?” As I respond with 45 days. She then has the nerve to ask me why? Why I’ve been off for so long as if she had forgotten the past two months.

She then says, “She’ll have to ask him if he still wants me to get the blood work to see if the medication is still in my system or not.” And she’ll get back to me. She then makes it a point to say, “we’ll hopefully I can get a hold of you.”

I called Thursday afternoon and evening, but there was no answer. I then called Friday 3 times to again, but there was no answer. Why in the hell can’t they just answer the dam phone. Wanted to go into this 3 day weekend with at least some answers. But yet again, I’m calling never to even get through.

On Tuesday, I try calling again to again to never be answered. I continue to call every day at least 3 times and leave a message every day. Thursday, 1/18/24 I had enough and finally drove to their office. I know what yall are thinking ” Why didn’t you just drive over there weeks ago or now months ago?” It’s far as hell that why, my car that is no longer even mine is dying!

So I get there filled with anxiety shaking excessively. I’m so nervous knowing I will have to go in there and be confrontational. It used to be so easy for me to be the bitch I am haha. Now, it takes so much out of me, really affects my body, and just mentally and physically drains me. After about 10 minutes of sitting in the car, deep breathing. I finally go in.

She tells me to hold on, then asks me how she can help me? Acts like she doesn’t even know who I am! Really! I say, “I thought since I couldn’t get through to you on the phone, I would just come in person to sort this out” She says ” You don’t need prior authorization for the generic brand” I say we’ll they won’t fill it that’s what they said” She then says ” Maybe I should call them”

She calls them for them to say they are shipping it out that Friday. As I stand there pissed because the pharmacy literally told me they couldn’t scedule! She then makes a point to tell them “that I don’t need prior authorization for generic and that she’s faxing it to them again.” She prints me not one but two papers with proof I don’t need prior authorization.

I then tell her ” that they don’t scedule the first dose observation so who am I suppose to call?” She says,”they should. ” Then the other girl in the back that keeps butting in because this girl doesn’t know what the hell she’s doing. “No, it’s through the gilena go program. You’ve been sending the paper to the wrong place. ” So this whole time, this girl has literally been faxing this paper to the pharmacy. While the other girl never checked to make sure it was being done correctly!

Issues With My Multiple Sclerosis Medication Part 2

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8 thoughts on “My Terrifying Journey through the Medication Nightmare: A Warning to All”

  1. I am so mad about all this! What a nightmare for you! There is no excuse for this kind of ineptitude! It just leaves you to suffer, and they don’t seem to care about that. Yes, I am hopping mad about it! Thinking of you! Lol

    1. I am so glad that you can find peace in your art. I to find writing helps me so much wish I would’ve picked it up long ago I seem to have forgot most of my life lol 😆

  2. Pingback: 64 Days Without My Medication Now

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