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How to Improve Social Support for People with M.S.

Improve Social Support

As someone who has MS, I am always lonely every day of every minute. I tend to stay in this bubble I’ve created never letting people in. They tend to always disappoint. They never really seem to try and understand only judge.

I have one friend, one true friend, I highly recommend having at least one. I didn’t find her until I was in my 20s, and she is 14 years older than me. She is completely light and am truly blessed to have her in my life. we have a “Therapy Session” what we like to call it at least once every few months. Were we do a little recap of what we can remember about the past few months, everything this is the one friend that knows all my truths. She never judges she listens, and I am blessed to have her.

I also started writing a year after being diagnosed with MS in 2020. I have found writing poetry to be my outlet. It has healed and realesed so much pent-up trama whitin myself. Sharing it with you guys and knowing I am not alone in some of my words helps me not feel so lonely.

MS & Loneliness: Building a Supportive Network and Combatting Isolation

Living with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) can be emotionally and physically challenging, often accompanied by feelings of loneliness and isolation. In this post, we will explore the impact of loneliness on individuals with MS, discuss the importance of a strong support network, and provide valuable strategies to combat isolation and foster a sense of belonging and community.

Understanding Loneliness & Isolation in MS

1. Emotional Impact

– The unpredictable nature of MS and the associated physical and cognitive changes can lead to feelings of isolation, depression, and anxiety.

2. Social Challenges

– Mobility issues and fatigue can limit social interactions, making it difficult to maintain relationships and engage in social activities.

3. Stigma & Misunderstanding

– MS is often misunderstood, and individuals may experience isolation due to stigma or lack of awareness about the condition.

The Importance of a Supportive Network

1. Emotional Well-being

– A strong support network offers emotional comfort, providing individuals with a safe space to express their feelings and concerns.


2. Practical Assistance

– A supportive network can help with daily tasks, easing the burden on individuals dealing with the challenges of MS.

3. Information & Guidance

Connecting with others who have faced similar experiences can provide valuable insights, tips, and resources for managing MS effectively.

Strategies to Combat Isolation & Build a Supportive Network

1. Join MS Support Groups

– Participate in local or online MS support groups to connect with others who understand your experiences and challenges.

2. Engage in Community Activities

– Attend local events, workshops, or classes related to MS or other interests, fostering new connections and combating isolation.

3. Utilize Online Platform

– Join online forums, social media groups, or MS-specific communities to engage with a broader network of individuals living with MS.

4. Communicate with Loved Ones

– Openly communicate with family and friends about your feelings and needs, enabling them to provide the support you require.

5. Volunteer & Give Back

– Get involved in volunteering for MS-related organizations, providing you with a sense of purpose and a supportive community.

Overcoming Stigma & Educating Others

1. Share Your Story

– Share your MS journey with others to raise awareness and combat stigma associated with the condition.

2. Educate Your Circle

– Educate friends, family, and colleagues about MS to foster understanding, empathy, and a more inclusive environment.

Empowering MS Warriors Through Connection

Loneliness and isolation can be formidable challenges for individuals with MS, but building a supportive network can significantly alleviate these struggles. By actively seeking connections, educating others, and being open about their experiences, individuals with MS can combat loneliness and foster a sense of community. Remember, you are not alone—there’s a vast network of support waiting to embrace and empower you on your MS journey.

More On Loneliness In Multiple Sclerosis

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13 thoughts on “How to Improve Social Support for People with M.S.”

  1. Pingback: Maintaining Relationships with MS Communicating & Connecting

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