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My Post Tubal Ligation Story, No More Babies

My Tubal Removal

My Tubal Removal Story

I had my tubes removed on 4/9/21, at 30 years old. I have wanted to get them removed for so long. I knew I didn’t want any more kids long ago. I wanted to get them removed after I had my daughter. They wouldn’t because of my age. I had my daughter at 22, and my son at 18.

Birth Control

Birth Control

I was never on birth control until after my son. I wish I would have been thought. I have been on every form of birth control. Iuds, depo shot, pill, nexplanon. All have many side effects and really mess you up. The main reason I wanted to get them removed was the side effects of all of those birth control.


Being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis is when I decided to make it official. It did take a whole year to get in and actually have the procedure. I had to be cleared by OB. She had to make sure I had valid reasons. Having MS means many many medications forever, many many tests forever. All those many medications and tests, of course, are not good for a baby.


After being cleared, I had to schedule the appointment. This was during covid, so sceduling was far out and very strict. It was an in and out procedure, done laparoscopic. I went in were I met the doctor for the first time. I had hernia surgery a few years prior threw my belly button, which I made it a point to tell him. Also that I woke from that surgery with severe nausea for several days.


I went in and woke up in so much pain. They medicated me as I stayed in post-op for 2hours. I was then released, I had 3 incisions, one on each side and one in my belly button. I had no nausea the entire time, which I was so grateful for. Was doing my normal daily shit the next day.

Tubal Removal Story


My healing process was very long and extremely slow. Having MS, I noticed it takes a long time for my body to heal. My incision on the right opened. They couldn’t reglue for fear of infection. So I had to buy hydro seal bandages, they sealed and held the skin together. I had to wear these for months on that incision. My other incision healed great. My belly button on the other end was a horror show.

Belly Button Nightmare

I want to say a lot this issue was because of my previous surgery I had threw my belly button. It also opened a little and was extremely painful. It was the hard glue inside my belly button. My body rejected the glue. As I pulled hard glue out of that little hole for months, until I no longer felt that pain.

Tubal Removal

What They Don’t Say

My body did heal but so very slowly. There’s a lot of things they don’t tell you or I didn’t know. After having my tubes removed I bleed for months. My periods were never the same, they are extremely heavy and painful. I continued to bleed and now have to take birth control pills to regulate my hormones. “Right I got them removed so I wouldn’t have to take birth control!” TMI I have an excess amount of discharge now. That OB says is my new normal!

Do I Regret Getting Them Removed?

Do I regret getting them removed? No! Wish I would have researched a little more. Of post surgery life, of how painful the periods would be. “I thought they were bad then.” Of the amount of discharge there would be, that is now my forever normal! Of my hormones going completely haywire and having to still take a med to balance them. I also know that my MS affects my body very harshly and makes anything in my life a shit show.

Tubal Removal Story Part 1

More On Tubal Removal

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8 thoughts on “My Post Tubal Ligation Story, No More Babies”

  1. Your tubal removal story is enlightening! What a crazy journey for you. I am sorry that you had to endure so much in your life. I think you are brave to share all of this with us! I will think of you, friend.

  2. I am sorry for all you have been through. I know from experience that surgery can result in a cascade of problems. I had a uterine suspension after the birth of my daughter at age 19 which resulted in painful adhesions. I had a hysterectomy at 25 to get rid of the adhesions, which caused me to need a bladder suspension. After many years, the bladder suspension could stand to be redone, but at age 74, I have decided that enough is enough!
    I hope that taking hormones is working for you and wish you the best in dealing with MS. I know that is a challenge! ❤

    1. I’m so sorry friend you had to go through all that and the pain I know you must have been in. Well, the hormone pill stopped me bleeding 24/7, so I guess it did its job. Just the fact of having to take a form of birth control kinda defeats the purpose for me. Thank you so much for your kind words

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  4. Pingback: Discharge The Effortless Secrets of Post-Tubal Ligation

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