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My Top 5 Natural Remedies for Daily Energy Boosts with MS

Top 5 Natural Remedies

Living with multiple sclerosis (MS) comes with its own set of challenges. I have found natural remedies that really help boost my energy. Today, I am thrilled to tell you about five natural remedies that help me a lot every day. 

1. Morning Citrus Elixir:

 Starting your day with a natural energy boost is crucial. My morning routine includes a simple yet powerful citrus elixir. I combine fresh lemon or orange juice with a pinch of cayenne pepper and a teaspoon of honey. This blend wakes me up and gives me lasting energy without the caffeine crash.

2. Adaptogenic Tea Blend:

These herbs, adaptogens, help your body manage stress. My favorite blend consists of holy basil, ashwagandha, and licorice root. I prepare this tea in the afternoon when I often experience a dip in energy. It not only fights off fatigue but also promotes a sense of calm and balance. 

3. Power-Packed Smoothie:

I boost my energy with a fruity smoothie full of good stuff when I need a quick pick-me-up. I use spinach, kale, berries, banana, and plant-based protein powder for my smoothie. This smoothie is full of important nutrients. It gives me energy and helps me feel better overall.

4. Mindful Movement:

When I feel tired, gentle movements like yoga or tai chi help a lot. Adding yoga or tai chi to my daily routine has made a big difference. These activities boost blood flow and sharpen my focus. 

5. Aromatherapy with Peppermint Oil:

 I always keep peppermint oil on hand for aromatherapy. It helps me stay alert and focused. Inhaling peppermint scent quickly boosts alertness and clears mental fog. Whether I use a diffuser or simply sniff from the bottle when tired, it always perks me up.

Encourage Your Journey:
Try out these natural remedies in your daily routine. Join me on this path. Remember, each person’s body is unique, so find what works best for you. Share experiences in the comments. Let’s create a supportive community to exchange insights. Manage energy levels with MS and Fibromyalgia.

In Honor Of Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month🧡🧡🧡

More On Natural Remedies For Multiple Sclerosis

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16 thoughts on “My Top 5 Natural Remedies for Daily Energy Boosts with MS”

  1. These hints are great! I already use a tea of ginger lemon and homey in the morning, and peppermint aroma therapy. They really are helpful. I will try the others. I woke up tired and have been dragging butt ever since. The pain and shaking are getting to me too. I am also grumpy. I had much need for our special place today. It is a balm for the soul. So peaceful! A sure cure for rampant grumpiness! Haha. How are you doing? Better I hope. I hope that you have a great weekend. 🤗🤗

    1. I went there for a few hours were we laughed and laughed. We’re we sipped on some soothing tea. It made all grumpyness went away for those few hours. I’m doing OK I suppose hope your weekend is kinder to you

      1. The old saying that laughter is the best medicine must be true, because we laugh and laugh in our special place. Hahaha! I can’t catch my breath! 🤣🤣. Today we watched two squirrels chasing each other around and around a tree making lots of chattering noises. Were they fighting, playing, or were they just in love? Betsy is asleep in the sun looking all contented. We feel contented too in this peaceful place of ours. All is well here.

      2. I posted something on my other blog ( The Children’s Companion ) today. It is a little picture story about silly dreams with some pencil sketches. I thought that you might like to look at it. Are you really doing OK, or is that a mask you are wearing?

        1. I will check it out. I didn’t know you had another blog. I just love you, Susan. I’m so happy I found you honestly and truly. It makes my heart so happy when I read your comments. And your realness. It is my i’m OK mask hahaha vertigo, migraines, pain, foggyness, blured vision is my current state. The lights are really triggering today I have my phone and TV so dark lol but it’s 7 here and am looking forward to bed soon. I have been wiggling into bed at 6 hahah my daughter likes to make fun just the comfort of it.

  2. Pingback: How to Overcome Fibromyalgia without Pain Medication

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