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Oh My Love Won’t You Come Back

Oh My Love Wont You Come Back

Oh my love won’t you come back

Please won’t you come back

I miss us so 

I miss how happy we once were

I miss your touch so

The best feeling

I miss our love

It was one of kind

I miss your smile 

It always made my day

Oh my love won’t you please come back

I need you so

I need to be happy like that again 

I need to be touched by you again

Even if for only a moment

I need your love 

I haven’t felt it since you left

I need that amazing beautiful smile

That makes my heart flutter

Oh my love Im sorry won’t you please come back

I earn for you so

I earn to be as happy as I was with you

I don’t think all ever get back there

I earn for your touch 

A deep obsession

I earn to be loved by you again

To feel that again is all I earn for

I earn to wake to that smile everyday 

Oh my love won’t you please come back to me

I think if you did we’d be so happy

I think it would be just like home

I think if we touched we’d never stop

I think we are meant to be my love 

Please I’m sorry

I.E.O. <3

Oh My Love Won’t You Come Back?

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9 thoughts on “Oh My Love Won’t You Come Back”

  1. Oh, Lynn! This poem is like a breath from your soul! I love it. I am trying to write a Haiku today, but I just can’t seem to find my muse. I just feel blah with a lot of laziness mixed in. Haha. I really like the art portrait of you that goes with your video. Did you do this? How was it done? How long have you had MS, Lynn? Maybe you already told me, but I can’t remember. Hope you have a good day and hear from your doctors soon. Lots of love my friend.

    1. Hi Susan, haha. I seem to never be able to write unless I’m emotionally fighting with myself. Yes, on canva, it’s an app that’s free. You can design all whatever you want. I have been diagnosed with MS for almost 4 years. I have been going to the doctors and should’ve been diagnosed since 2012, though. Haha, you’re fine. My memory is so bad, so I understand. The doctor called me yesterday and said they finally got the code. That now they are waiting on my insurance to approve it for them to call and schedule. So now it’s insurance, uhhgg. How long have you had your blog? How are you doing besides lazy as am I ? I walked my daughter home yesterday and carried her backpack, which knocked me on my butt 😅 . That thing was so heavy. I don’t know how her little back does it 🤣🤣

      1. I have had my blog for about 4 years now. I didn’t know it at the time, but there is quite a bit of interest in Haiku poetry. I have about 370 followers now, and they come from about 30 different countries. It makes me happy to know that people like them and make comments. I am going to crochet on my shawl for a bit this afternoon. I am stable, and feeling pretty good today. So glad that the doctors finally got back to you. Can’t believe that you now have to wait for the insurance to approve. Ugh! Hope that you are having a great day , from your crazy friend the bipolar lady. 🤪

  2. Pingback: Do You Ever Think Of Me? Cuz Your All I Think Of, I.E.O.

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