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How to Relief Pain of MS with Magnesium Body Butter


Pain, pain, pain

So pain is a major pain in my ass and my most severe symptom. It is a constant symptom in my life as most come and go. Doctors will constantly throw meds at you. As they did me, what they tend to leave out is the many crap side effects. Oh, and don’t forget the withdrawals of the meds if you decide you can’t deal with their symptoms.

The Many Pain Meds 

I took myself off the many pain meds they gave me. One of many was Gabapentin which made me even more stupid. My brain was a complete fog. I found a magnesium pin on Pinterest and had to try it. I ordered everything to make it myself, added a little tweaks and had myself my own body butter.

It Works!

Best of all, it worked and was natural and made by me! I knew if this worked for my pain, it would work for others. I gave some to my aunt, who suffers from pain and is a nurse. Gave some to my friend who got his finger smashed at work. Both asked for more. I now make this every month a batch for myself and them.


Magnesium Body Butter

Magnesium is a vital mineral that plays a fundamental role in various bodily functions. It is involved in over 300 enzymatic processes in the body, contributing to muscle and nerve function, energy production, and bone health. 

In terms of pain relief, magnesium is known for its ability to relax muscles and reduce inflammation, which can help alleviate symptoms of conditions like muscle cramps, headaches, and joint pain. Additionally, magnesium deficiency has been linked to increased pain sensitivity, making adequate magnesium intake important for managing pain effectively. But what sets magnesium body butter apart is its unique delivery method. Unlike oral supplements that may take time to absorb and can upset the stomach, topical application allows magnesium to be directly absorbed through the skin, targeting the source of your pain quickly and effectively. This versatile mineral offers a holistic approach to pain relief and overall wellness.

In this post, we will explore what magnesium body butter is, its potential benefits, and how it can aid in managing pain and MS symptoms.

Understanding Magnesium Body Butter

Magnesium body butter is a topical cream infused with magnesium, designed for easy absorption through the skin. It is an effective way to supplement magnesium levels in the body, as the skin can readily absorb and utilize this mineral. The combination of magnesium with other nourishing ingredients like shea butter, coconut oil, and essential oils makes it a soothing and hydrating solution for the skin.

Benefits of Magnesium Body Butter

1. Pain Relief

Magnesium is known for its potential to help relax muscles and ease tension. When applied topically through body butter, it may assist in relieving sore muscles, muscle cramps, and overall muscle discomfort. For individuals with MS who often experience muscle spasms and stiffness, magnesium body butter can provide targeted relief.

2. Improved Sleep

Magnesium plays a crucial role in promoting a good night’s sleep by helping relax the nervous system and muscles. Using magnesium body butter before bedtime may contribute to a more restful and deeper sleep, which is essential for managing fatigue often associated with MS.

3. Stress Reduction

Magnesium has a calming effect on the body and mind. Applying magnesium body butter can help reduce stress levels and induce relaxation, which is beneficial for individuals dealing with the emotional and physical stress of living with a chronic condition like MS.

4. Enhanced Absorption

Transdermal absorption of magnesium is an efficient way to replenish the body’s magnesium levels. The skin readily absorbs magnesium, and using it in the form of body butter allows for convenient and consistent application.

5. Skin Health

The other ingredients in magnesium body butter, such as shea butter and coconut oil, are known for their moisturizing and nourishing properties. The combination of these ingredients can promote soft, supple skin while delivering the benefits of magnesium.

6. Headache Relief

Magnesium may help in reducing the frequency and severity of headaches and migraines. Applying magnesium body butter to the temples and neck can potentially alleviate headache symptoms.

7. Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Magnesium has been associated with anti-inflammatory properties, which can be beneficial for individuals with inflammatory conditions like MS. It helps reduce joint pain and inflammation. Massaging magnesium body butter onto affected joints can provide relief from arthritis or other inflammatory conditions.


8. Enhanced Sports Performance

Magnesium is involved in energy metabolism and muscle function, making it crucial for athletes and active individuals. Applying magnesium body butter before or after workouts can support optimal performance, recovery, and muscle function.

9. Bone Health

Magnesium is essential for maintaining strong and healthy bones. Topical application of magnesium body butter can help support bone density and reduce the risk of osteoporosis or bone-related issues.

10. Improved Circulation

Magnesium helps regulate blood flow and relaxes blood vessels, promoting better circulation throughout the body. Using magnesium body butter can support cardiovascular health and reduce the risk of circulation-related issues.

11. Relief from Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS)

Magnesium deficiency has been linked to restless leg syndrome, a condition characterized by discomfort and an irresistible urge to move the legs. Applying magnesium body butter to the legs before bedtime may help alleviate RLS symptoms and promote better sleep.

12. PMS Symptom Relief

Magnesium has been shown to help alleviate symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS), such as bloating, cramps, and mood swings. Using magnesium body butter during the menstrual cycle can help reduce discomfort and promote relaxation.

13. Nerve Function

Neuropathic pain management magnesium plays a crucial role in nerve transmission and function. Applying magnesium body butter can help support healthy nerve function, reducing the risk of nerve-related issues such as neuropathy or tingling sensations. 

14. Detoxification

Magnesium is involved in numerous detoxification processes in the body, including liver function and elimination of toxins. Using magnesium body butter can support these detox pathways, promoting overall health and well-being.

15. Mood Enhancement

Magnesium plays a role in regulating neurotransmitters that affect mood, such as serotonin and dopamine. Applying magnesium body butter can help promote feelings of relaxation, happiness, and overall emotional well-being.

16. Supports Hormonal Balance

Magnesium is involved in the production and regulation of various hormones in the body. Using magnesium body butter can help support hormonal balance, reducing symptoms of hormonal imbalances such as mood swings, fatigue, and irregular cycles.

17. Regulated Blood Sugar Levels

Magnesium is involved in insulin secretion and glucose metabolism, helping to regulate blood sugar levels. Using magnesium body butter may support healthy blood sugar regulation and reduce the risk of insulin resistance or diabetes.

Magnesium Body Butter....

Self-care for MS patients

Experience the soothing embrace of magnesium body butter—a natural remedy crafted to provide relief and comfort for those navigating the challenges of Multiple Sclerosis (MS). Our unique formulation combines the power of magnesium with luxurious botanicals to offer targeted relief and holistic wellness support.

1. Muscle Spasm Relief

Individuals with MS often experience muscle spasms and spasticity due to nerve damage. Magnesium, known for its muscle relaxant properties, can help alleviate these symptoms when applied topically in the form of body butter. Regular use may provide relief from muscle tightness and spasms, improving mobility and comfort.

2. Enhanced Absorption of Magnesium

Individuals with MS may have underlying factors that impair the absorption of nutrients, including magnesium, from the diet. Topical application of magnesium body butter bypasses the digestive system and directly delivers magnesium to the bloodstream through the skin, circumventing potential absorption issues in the gastrointestinal tract. This ensures efficient uptake of magnesium, maximizing its therapeutic benefits for individuals with MS.

3. Improved Circulation and Blood Flow

MS can disrupt blood flow and circulation, contributing to symptoms such as fatigue, dizziness, and cognitive impairment. Magnesium body butter promotes vasodilation and enhances blood flow to tissues, including the brain and peripheral nerves. This improved circulation can alleviate symptoms associated with poor blood flow, leading to enhanced energy levels, mental clarity, and overall vitality for individuals with MS.

4. Gastrointestinal (GI) Symptom Relief

Many individuals with MS experience gastrointestinal symptoms such as constipation, bloating, and digestive discomfort, which can be exacerbated by certain medications or mobility issues. Magnesium body butter can help alleviate GI symptoms by promoting bowel regularity and relieving abdominal cramps. Its topical application bypasses the digestive system, making it a gentle and effective option for managing GI symptoms without the risk of gastrointestinal side effects.

5. Complementary Therapy for Fatigue Management

Fatigue is a common and debilitating symptom of MS that significantly impacts daily functioning and quality of life. Magnesium body butter can serve as a complementary therapy for fatigue management by promoting relaxation, improving sleep quality, and replenishing magnesium levels, which are often depleted in individuals with MS experiencing fatigue. Its invigorating aroma and tactile sensation can also provide a gentle energy boost, helping individuals combat fatigue and maintain vitality throughout the day.

6. Magnesium Deficiency and MS

Research suggests that individuals with MS may have lower levels of magnesium in their bodies compared to those without the condition. Magnesium deficiency could exacerbate MS symptoms, making magnesium supplementation or topical application particularly beneficial for managing the condition.

7. Role of Magnesium in Myelin Formation

Myelin is the protective covering of nerve fibers that is damaged in MS. Magnesium is involved in the synthesis and maintenance of myelin, making it essential for the health and function of the nervous system. By supporting myelin formation, magnesium may help preserve nerve function and mitigate the progression of MS.

8. Magnesium’s Anti-Excitotoxic Effects

Excitotoxicity, or excessive stimulation of nerve cells, is believed to contribute to nerve damage in MS. Magnesium acts as a natural antagonist to excitatory neurotransmitters, helping to regulate neuronal activity and prevent excitotoxicity. This neuroprotective effect of magnesium may be particularly beneficial for individuals with MS.

9. Influence on Neurotransmitter Activity

Magnesium plays a crucial role in regulating neurotransmitter activity in the brain, including those involved in mood regulation and cognitive function. Imbalances in neurotransmitters are commonly observed in individuals with MS and may contribute to symptoms such as depression and cognitive impairment. By modulating neurotransmitter activity, magnesium may help alleviate these symptoms and improve overall well-being in individuals with MS.

10. Magnesium’s Impact on Oxidative Stress

Oxidative stress, resulting from an imbalance between antioxidants and free radicals, is implicated in the pathogenesis of MS. Magnesium exerts antioxidant effects and helps neutralize free radicals, reducing oxidative stress and protecting cells from damage. Incorporating magnesium into your regimen may help counteract oxidative stress and its detrimental effects on MS progression.

11. Versatile Formulation Options

Magnesium body butter creams come in a variety of formulations, allowing for customization based on individual preferences and needs. Whether someone prefers a lighter texture, a soothing fragrance, or additional ingredients such as essential oils or herbal extracts for enhanced therapeutic benefits, there are numerous formulation options available to cater to the diverse needs and preferences of individuals with MS.


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Let’s Make Some

Creating magnesium body butter at home is a simple and rewarding DIY project. This homemade body butter allows you to customize the ingredients and tailor it to your preferences. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to make magnesium body butter:

Magnesium Body Butter Recipe

Magnesium Body Butter Creams
Magnesium Body Butter Creams


1. ½ cup magnesium oil (magnesium flakes and water)

Magnesium Flakes
Magnesium Flakes

2. ½ cup shea butter

Shea Butter
Shea Butter

3. ¼ cup coconut oil

Coconut Oil
Coconut Oil

4. ¼ cup sweet almond oil or jojoba oil
5. 10-20 drops of essential oil (e.g., lavender, chamomile, or peppermint) for fragrance (optional) You can always make your own oil at home for the Lavender Oil, for the Chamomile Oil, for the Peppermint Oil

6. Raw Cocoa Butter

Coco Butter
Coco Butter



1. Prepare the Magnesium Oil

– In a glass bowl, mix ½ cup of magnesium flakes with ½ cup of warm water.
– Stir until the flakes dissolve, creating magnesium oil. Allow it to cool.

2. Melt Shea Butter & Coconut Oil

– In a double boiler, melt the shea butter and coconut oil over low heat. If you don’t have a double boiler, a glass or metal bowl placed over a pot of simmering water works well.

Magnesium Body Butter Recipe
Magnesium Body Butter Recipe

3. Add Carrier Oils

– Once the shea butter and coconut oil are melted, remove the mixture from heat and let it cool for a few minutes.
– Stir in the sweet almond oil or jojoba oil.

4. Combine the Ingredients

– Transfer the mixture to a mixing bowl and let it cool to room temperature. This ensures the oils won’t separate when the body butter solidifies.
– Add the magnesium oil to the mixture and stir well to combine.

5. Cool and Add Essential Oils

– Allow the mixture to cool further in the refrigerator for about 20-30 minutes or until it begins to solidify around the edges.
– Add your chosen essential oils and whip the mixture using a hand mixer or stand mixer until you achieve a smooth and creamy consistency.

6. Store the Body Butter

– Transfer the whipped body butter to a clean glass jar with a lid, ensuring it’s completely cooled before sealing.

Body Butter
Body Butter

7. Usage

– Apply the magnesium body butter to your skin as needed, focusing on areas of muscle discomfort or tension.
– Use it preferably in the evening to benefit from its relaxing properties.


– Adjust the essential oil drops based on your preference for fragrance intensity.
– Store the body butter in a cool, dry place to prevent melting.
– Perform a patch test on a small area of your skin to ensure no allergic reactions to any of the ingredients.

With this homemade magnesium body butter, you can enjoy the potential benefits of magnesium while treating your skin to nourishing oils and moisturizers. Experiment with different essential oils to find the fragrance that suits you best. Happy crafting!

More On Natural Pain Reliefs For Multiple Sclerosis


Magnesium body butter is a natural and convenient way to supplement magnesium levels in the body. While more research is needed to substantiate specific benefits for MS, many individuals report experiencing relief from muscle discomfort, improved sleep, and reduced stress through its use. As with any supplement or remedy, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional, especially if you have a medical condition like MS. Incorporating magnesium body butter into your daily self-care routine may offer you the relief and relaxation you seek on your journey towards improved well-being.

Magnesium Body Butter, Natural Remedies For Pain

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9 thoughts on “How to Relief Pain of MS with Magnesium Body Butter”

  1. I use magnesium body butter every night it helps so much. It’s better then taking orally I actually make mine myself.

  2. Very informative. This is sure to help people with the conditions you have described.
    What are magnesium flakes? Cannot be metallic magnesium I suppose? If I recollect correctly what i read maybe 60 years back in school, magnesium metal will not dissolve in water. Well maybe some salt of magnesium is in flakes form?

      1. Yes stay with what you’re doing.
        I am working on post on magnesium.
        that’s why I commented so exciting when I saw your post.
        I have someone at church who had chronic migrane and I told them about magnesium to check with Dr.
        Reluctantly the Dr ok.
        The migrane completely gone over 4yrs now.ofcourse the changed their to a more plant based.

        1. That’s great, yes thats what I was taking it for when I took it orally for migraines. If you rub it at the base of your skull and tempal, it also helps a lot.

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