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They Looked At Me & Seen A B****, Narcissist Poetry

They Looked At Me

They Looked At Me
And seen a bitch
They looked at me and said I’m heartless
They looked at me and said “why her”
They looked at me and said “she never smiles”
They looked at me and judged but
Little did they know
The hell I was enduring
All the betrayal
All the lies
All the crying
The emotional hell he put me threw while pregnant
You expect me to keep my smile
You expect me to keep my heart
You expect me to stay me
Little did they know
I used to smile
I used to have a voice
I used to be free
So I let them judge
I’ve grown to give no fucks

They Looked At Me & Seen A B****, Narcissist Poetry

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  1. Pingback: She Became What You Made Her, Narcissist Poetry

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