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This Illness Isn’t Always As I Try & Make It Seem

This Illness

This Illness Isn’t Always
As I try and make it seem
Sometimes, people see only what they want
Sometimes, they only acknowledge it when they want
Sometimes they see and their response
Is even more of a letdown
Like this is something new
Like I haven’t had this for years
You see a glimpse and wonder
“What’s wrong with her?”
Nothing, this is me now
I can normally hide my symptoms from most
I can normally hide my pain from others
I can normally do my daily activities
I can normally push through
When I think I my bodies going to give out
But sometimes you see a glimpse
Sometimes I can’t, and I have to just lay down
Sometimes, I don’t know if my legs are just going to give out
Sometimes, you see my unsteadiness
Sometimes you see my shakiness
Sometimes, I can’t make it out of my bed
Sometimes i’m so bad I can’t do all those normal
Daily activities
Sometimes, this illness takes over me
I drop my mask
For when I do, I immediately get judged for all those
Daily activities that aren’t done

This Illness Isn’t Always As I Try & Make It Seem, Invisible Illness Poetry

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11 thoughts on “This Illness Isn’t Always As I Try & Make It Seem”

  1. I can hardly express all the ways that I relate to this poem, Lynn! You express so well what it is like to live day to day with a silent illness. The wearing of the mask, and life when the mask comes down. Yes, this IS me now. How I appreciate this poem. It made my day! How are things going for you?

  2. Pingback: Be Proud Of Your Self For All The Silent Battles

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