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Those days We Can Never Say Aloud, I.E.O. <3

Those Days

Those days
The days we can never say aloud
They are just for us
The days we can’t dare make with another
There already taken
The days we always look back at
They are forever engraved in our hearts
The days we wish we could go back to
There such a far memory
The days we loved
There always on my mind
Those days
I.E.O. <3

Those Days We Can Never Say Aloud, I.E.O. <3 Poetry

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12 thoughts on “Those days We Can Never Say Aloud, I.E.O. <3”

  1. Your love poems are so wonderful. Memories of first love- so bittersweet! I am glad that I was able to make you laugh the other day. I had a wonderful weekend. Sunday was the anniversary of my wedding to my husband. We have been married for 47 years! We had a nice meal that he cooked for me. He has stayed with me through all my health problems. I am lucky when it comes to love. How are you doing, dear friend? Any news about your appointment?

    1. Glad your liking them, Susan. I’m so happy you had a good weekend. Such a long time. That’s so nice he cooked. I always said food was the way to my heart. Very lucky, I know, in my case, mine hasn’t left yet but is not caring or trying to understand anything I go through when it comes to my illnesses. No news. Maybe tomorrow will see.

  2. I am thinking of you! It is so hard to live with a silent illness, especially when those around you just don’t seem to “ get it”. Medicine helps, but I am still plagued by depression a lot of the time. I get tired of trying to pretend that I am OK. Bipolar illness is no picnic. I am sure that MS isn’t either! Take care, dear friend! Keep me informed about your appointment, lol

    1. Thanks Susan yes so dam hard. I’m sure I have no idea in depth how bipolar is, so I’m so glad to have met you to share your journey with me. All be sure to keep you updated.

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