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Today I Had A Voice, Today She Sang, Lord Was She Beautiful

Today I Had A Voice

Today, I Had A Voice
Today, I fought back
Today, I couldn’t take your shit anymore
Today, I couldn’t hold it back
Today, I couldn’t bury “her”
Did my voice make it better?
Hell no!
Did it feel good for a moment?
Today, my voice got the best of me
Today “she” sang
Lord, was she loud
She was beautiful
Now I’m living with the fallout
The anger
The consequences
So I shove “her” back down
I put “her” away for now
Until I see you again
My old friend

Today I Had A Voice, Today She Sang, Lord Was She Beautiful

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5 thoughts on “Today I Had A Voice, Today She Sang, Lord Was She Beautiful”

  1. For you I wish that someday you could find someone with whom you would not have to shove “her” back down! Maybe you will end up with someone like that. I can not totally take care of myself because of my illnesses. My husband and a friend who lives with us have to help me with things. I hate being so dependent upon others. It is awful to know that I could never live on my own. Does having MS make you have to depend on others for your daily life? I love your poem! lol

    1. Maybe or be by myself, which I find most of my peace. My family doesn’t seem to notice I’m sick. I wish they helped me so much more. I am financially dependent on him were as my illness seems to make me unreliable for a job. I kind of feel like I live alone as a single mother. I shouldn’t do a lot of things that I do but have no other choice. I will eventually become worse and be unable to all the things I do now. So I can totally understand that being dependent on someone else sucks. Thank you. Lol

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