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You Were Everything To Me, Love Poetry

You were

You were everything to me
You were my only safe space
You were my smile
You were my only happiness
You were my only love
You were my whole heart
You were my only home
You loved all of me
You knew all of me
You were my obsession
You were a lot of my firsts
You were something I never knew I needed
You gave me more than you’ll ever know
You were the one I did anything for
You knew how to bring the real me out
You were the one id burn it all down for
You were the one I gave my all to
You are the one I still can’t get over
You are the one still on my mind
You are the one I lust over
You are the one I still want
You are my one love
You are now lost to me forever
I.E.O <3

You Were Everything To Me, I.E.O. <3 Poetry

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10 thoughts on “You Were Everything To Me, Love Poetry”

  1. Your poem is so moving! But so sad in the end. Hearing you speak it makes it even more touching. I am so glad that you like my Haikus. It means a lot to me. Also, you got to see some of my artwork. I am particularly fond of the watercolor/ acrylic painting of a woodland scene that goes along with Haiku: Peaceful. Thinking of you! Lol

    1. Thank you Susan yea I’ve been wondering why I never see your stuff, and I’m always curious to see when you’re telling me what you’re working on. Realized I wasn’t subscribed, so hopefully, I will be able to keep updated now and see all your beautiful pieces. Sorry I missed so much

  2. I am so glad that you will be able to see my stuff now! I started writing Haiku when I got a book of these poems for my 14th birthday. I was hooked! When I started my blog I started using my art to go along with some of them. I also featured a crocheted snowflake in Haiku: Dance. Sometimes the art comes first and sometimes the poem. The snowflake that I crocheted came first in this instance. Doing my blog helps to keep me going during tough times. I have about 370 followers now, and it cheers me up to think that I bring some happiness to their lives. I am so glad that you started writing your blog! Now I get to share in your journey. The illnesses that we have are easier to take when they are shared by someone who understands and cares, aren’t they? Silent illnesses are so hard for people to understand. I guess misery loves company! Haha! I love your poetry too! I am so glad that we got together, dear friend. How are you doing? I am so-so. I had to take extra medicine for the mania today. When the mania hits my mind races and I feel like I could run a marathon of anxiety. So glad that I have medicine for it. Oh , well. Enough for now. Hope that your day is good, dear friend!

    1. I’m so excited. I’m definitely going to take a deeper look later at your whole profile. When did you start your blog? Yes, I agree so much easier to talk to you than most or someone who has an invisible illness. Love that misery loves company so very true Hu. I’m so glad I found you as well. I wish I had started sooner. As for me, I broke last night for a quick second. I just started crying because of the pain screaming inside my head. Then, I had to quickly pull it together. Today, I had to take everything out of my son’s room to clean walls. I am so tired lol and only half done. Had to come get my daughter from school, then go back and start cooking before I can finish, lol, just in this very silent struggle. Hope your med works and doesn’t come with many side effects. What triggers those? Do you know? Have a good day, friend

      1. So sorry about all your pain! I know what it is like to have to slog through the pain. I do give in to tears sometimes. Sounds like you have a really hectic schedule trying to take care of your family. I don’t know how you do it all while also having MS and other problems! Mania or depression can hit at any old time, and doesn’t seem to have triggers. My brain seems to have a life of it’s own. Bipolar is caused by a surge of brain chemicals (seratonin). Either there is not enough seratonin or there is too much seratonin. When the mania hits hard and I have to take extra medicine, it turns me dull and out of it. How long have you had MS my friend?

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  4. Pingback: Do You Remember? Not The Heartbreak But The Love

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