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Do You Ever Just Want To Run Away?

Do you ever just want to run away

         Do you ever just lose it?                                Lose all control                                 Scream as loud as you can              Hoping it will help you in some way Do you ever just want to run away? Run as fast as you can from your life Do you ever just feel like you’re.  completely lost?                                      That the life your living isn’t meant for you                                                  That your living in this false identity Do you ever feel like you have completely buried the real you and became this person                           They created and molded into what they wanted                                          That you don’t recognize but is now you I can feel HER the real me fighting to come to the surface                  She wants to be free so bad                  As shes been buried for over a decade                                                  Living this false identity                    Has become to heavy                         Has not made me happy                    Has taken its tole                                  Has completely darkened my soul Has made me completely miserable

Do You Ever Just Want To Run Away

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5 thoughts on “Do You Ever Just Want To Run Away?”

  1. A fierce poem, Lynn! Love it! Sorry if I have missed some of your posts. I have been in the hospital with my lung infection for the last 5 days. I am OK but what an ordeal! Didn’t really know I was that sick until I was struggling to breathe and coughing up a lung. Ugh! Nothing to do there except be miserable so I spent a lot of time in our place in the hammock drinking ice tea. So welcome spending time with you there! How have you been? I have sure been thinking about you and wondering how you are doing. Is the heat still killing you, and do you have to work outside on the lawn in this heat? Tell me everything! 🤗

    1. Omg I’m sorry what did they do for you on the hospital? I hate being in the hospital. Are you doing better? Thank you for keeping me in your thoughts I hate that you e been so sick.

    2. I have been dying in this heat worked on my front yard Monday and yesterday. I was to sore and exhausted to do much yesterday. I try to go out after 5pm was out there till 830pm Monday. My entire body is killing me. My landlord sent me a notice there coming to expect my property. So I have to make sure my hard is 100% or we get ticked. Uggggg

  2. Yes, I am doing better. They had to pump me full of antibiotics and corticosteroids,force me to breathe oxygen through a mask on my face all the time, and give me breathing treatments to open up my airways and force all the junk in my lungs to be coughed up. Lovely, right? Hahah! I am glad to be home. I have another 2 weeks worth of medicine to take and industrial strength cough syrup to slurk up every 4hours. What a joy! Haha! You are on my mind Lynn. Heres to us and our place!

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