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I Am A Writer, My Soul You See Is Me

I Am A Writer.

I Am A Writer
But yet my hands won’t let me
I show my soul in my writing
I show what’s underneath all these scars
I show my pain
I am a poet , but yet these hands won’t let me
I show past and present demons
I show past loves and loses
I show my deepest voice that no one will ever see
I am a author but yet my hands
Will not let me write
When I hold a pen, my writing is ineligible
When I hold a pen, my hand shakes impulsively
When I try to write on paper, my hands cramp up
When I write, I am in pain
But my soul, you see is me
Typing my battered heart out
My hands are free as my voice flows
I am simply ME the person behind
This mask

I Am A Writer, Yet My Hands Wont Let Me, Poetry

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7 thoughts on “I Am A Writer, My Soul You See Is Me”

  1. It is good to see you writing a poem like this. Good for the soul! I can totally relate. We are still busy trying to recuperate from this flu. Ugh! How is it going for you?

    1. Ugg I hope your improving. Spending lots of time on our hammock sipping green tea. It’s my time to give you a massage lol. Is your shoulder improving? Just here dying with this heat. My air conditioner is above my bead so in order for me to use it I have to lift my bed to clean it first. And I just don’t have it in me hahah. Debating on giving one of my dogs a bath and shaving her. Lord knows all never get to the other two hahah. But my body just hasn’t decided to join my mind yet lol

  2. Oh how I would love that massage right about now! Green tea, hammock and some laughter would be good too. I’ll be there. We are all slowly improving. How hot does it get where you live?

  3. Ugh! I don’t think that I could take that kind of heat either! We don’t get anything like that here in the old Hoosier state. It really gets cold and snowy here in winter, though, and you probably don’t have that to deal with that. There are cool breezes in our place!

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