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I Remember, I Thought Our Love Was Strong

I Remember

I remember the dread I felt as he told me
The complete heartbreak I felt
The pure anger of you betraying me
The disbelief
As he told me what you did
WIth her some random trailer hoe
Not a basic cheating act either
I would accuse you sometimes
But you had never until now
I never thought you would
I thought our love was strong
I thought you loved me as much as I did you
I had been a little detached lately
Also, I was being kept from seeing you
I told you I knew you denied it all
Then you showed up at my house and beat the shit
Out of the person who told me about what you did
As I watched
You left that day and never apologized
That’s when I lost us and wanted only revenge
I was able to see anyone, but you
I went back to you
The night you were leaving the state
You told me it was true you did cheat
As my tears ran like a river
You said it with the intent to break me as you left
As I said, I was in bed with my ex, so who’s really breaking
That ex meant nothing to me as I cried in his arms
For you and what you did to me
I got in contact with you, and we reconnected with
You halfway across the world
Are jealousness and past history didn’t make
This long-distance relationship have any chance
You went back to jail & back to the state
I was still a runner & partyer
That’s when I betrayed you the most

I Remember The Dread I Felt

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2 thoughts on “I Remember, I Thought Our Love Was Strong”

  1. The emotions in this poem are so raw and real! Hope that writing this is cathartic for you. I am still in a state of blah, but managed to crochet today, so I am very happy with that. I dwell in our place for much of the afternoon, drinking tea and scarfing chocolate brownies with you. The laughter brings me out of my funk, and I find peace there. How are you? Things piling up on you?

    1. Today I over did it and will paying for it for days. Gave all my dogs a bath my huskey fought me and nearly died hahah. Cleaned my shower and toilet after they destroyed it. Took my son for an haircut. Had to put up another shade outside for my dogs. It’s 106 and going to be all week ugggg so basically I’m dying hahaha I’m glad you at least we’re able to crochet a bit. See you in our place

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