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I Remember You Breaking Me Time And Time Again

I Remember

I remember when I loved you
Loved you with all of me
Was obsessed with you
I would do anything to keep you
I remember you breaking me time and time again
Being the crazy you said, I was
I remember me never being enough for you
Never being first
I remember how jealous I would get over you
The mental f*** you would put me threw
The complete destruction of everything i was
I remember the long paragraphs I would send
The texting and calling 24/7
The needed to know everything
Now, there’s not an ounce of love left
Now you have none of me
Could care less about you
Would do anything to be free
Now you only wish to break me
Now you don’t hold that control over me
Now the crazy is laughter
Never jealous
Now, my mental state has no room for you
Now, there are no texts or calls
No paragraphs only OK
I dont care to know anything

✍️ 1/24 7:57 p.m.

I Remember You Breaking Me Time And Time Again

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6 thoughts on “I Remember You Breaking Me Time And Time Again”

  1. Another powerful poem, Lynn, and even more powerful when I watch you speak it! Your poetry is always so honest, and I like that about you. I have been a bit down hearted. Don’t know why exactly. Just life I guess. I am spending a lot of time in our place to cheer me up. I am laughing and carrying on with you there. Lots of beauty, and of course chocolate. How are you doing, friend?

    1. Thank you is it to honest? I’m a very blunt person even in person. I say what I feel and almost everything I think i say I’m a B but I just don’t sugar coat anything lol. Aww why friend are you sure you don’t cuz if you need to vent I’m here for you always. I will push you in the hammock drink some cold ice tea have a chocolate ice cream cuz it’s so hott 110 right now and listen to you vent your heart out

    2. I had a bad night full with anxiety and fighting. I had to face reality that it’s really effecting my kids and I have to stop I try my hardest to only break while there at school but last night it broke threw and my daughter then had an emotional day at school so I had to sit down with my kids and husband and just talk and say I’m going to change my behavior because she can see how hurt I am and it’s hurting her. So an bad few days hopefully that will get better. Like I said in my other comment I’m a very blunt bitchy person and I talk a lot of crap so when I’m mad my whole street will here me. So I just have to not fight in front of them, which means a lot of bitting my tongue so wish me luck on my journey hahah

  2. So glad you liked so many of my Haiku! They come from the soul of me. Sounds like a really tough time at home for you. You can be bitchy any time in our place. Knowing us we will be laughing about it soon enough. Haha. So go ahead- scream and cuss . Get it all out with me. In fact I will join you. We can both scream. A bitchy duet. Hahha. Sorry you are going to have to bite your tongue at home. You never have to in our place. It is our safe haven. Things are bad around here too. She is taking medicine for her back but is still in a lot of pain and can only walk with a walker and slowly. My husband is having to take care of both me and her and he is already in a bad place a lot of the time. I wish I could do more. It makes me feel so guilty. I am ready for the hammock and that chocolate ice cream!

    1. Haha live that a bitchy duet. So glad for our safe haven. I’m sorry are you going to find someone else to help you? She sounds like she’s not up to it

  3. This back thing has happened to her before. She now has had meds and a shot and that has fixed her up . She is already feeling quite a bit better, thank goodness. Just rest for another week or so the doctor said. My mood is better today thanks to some hammock and chocolate ice cream therapy in our place. Haha. How about you? Are you having any luck with the behavior modification? Sounds hard. Ugh. Vent your little heart out with me any time.

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