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I Think Back To The Days When

I Think Back

I Think Back To The Days When
I used to go over on weekends
I use to wonder why I didn’t live here
Why my brother and sister did
I think back to the days when
I used to love seeing you
I used to wonder why I was different
Why I lived with my grandparents
Lord how I loved you
How after bouncing around all week I could always look forward to you
I think back to the day
That you changed
That you broke my heart
I think back to the day
You told me I wasn’t your kid
The day you yelled at me to stop coming over
I think back to the day
I left crying as you broke my 7 year old heart
The day my older sister had to explain
To me that it was all true
My mother had a one night stand while married
I’m the result
I think back to the day
When I lost all I knew
When I learned I have never met my father

I Think Back To The Days When

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10 thoughts on “I Think Back To The Days When”

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