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I Try And Focus On The Good 

I Try And Focus On The Good

Your always on my mind 

I try and focus on the good 

The love we had

The unbreakable bond

That first real love

For me at least

I hold are love

To the highest level

And no one can ever touch it

To me you were & are my soul 

I hold us 

As my fairytale

And in the end it’s only meant to be us

To me you’re my home

Your my happiness

To me youre my smile

Your my heart

To me your my everything

The firsts

The rebelling kinda love

The sneaking out kinda love

The need to be with you now kinda love

The always having to be touching 

Kinda love

The yummy kinda love 

That gets your heart fuck*** pounding 

Your body tingling 

Legs shaking

All from the touch of you

The pulling me closer kinda love

  The sharing of all we were with one anoth

The knowing one anothers demons

Before ever knowing one another’s bodies

The fighting everyone just to be together

  The bests

       I.EO.  <3      


I Try And Focus On The Good, I.E.O. <3 Poetry

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10 thoughts on “I Try And Focus On The Good ”

  1. Another beautiful love poem, Lynn! My heart responds to each line. I especially like “ To me you’re my home “ It must be very hard to have to take care of a family and have MS besides. Damn hard! How did your daughter’s game go? How are you doing today? I am having a calm day of music and crocheting. Keep me posted, dear friend, and I wish you a great weekend. Lol

    1. Thank you, Susan. I froze my butt off, lol. It went good, just practice. I’m exhausted, to be honest. I want to curl up in a ball and just well sleep but I can never sleep, so lay there, I suppose, hahaha. Aunt flow seems to come with a vengeance every month so painful since getting my tubes removed. Making ceviche today long process lol and have to take my daughter to the doctor later. So the curling up in a ball will have to wait. Hope you have a good and relaxing weekend, stay warm, friend.

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