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I Wonder Sometimes How She Left, If It Was Easy

I Wonder Sometimes

I Wonder Sometimes
I wonder how she left
I wonder how long she wanted to
I wonder if it was easy
I wonder how she could never look back
I wonder sometimes how a mother could leave
I wonder if leaving made her feel everything
She couldn’t being with you
I wonder if the drugs made her numb enough to leave
Or if she just lost all she was long before
I wonder sometimes
You see, I want to run so bad
As I sit in this prison, I call my life
Wiping my tears away before they fall
Every day, I’m drowning in pure hatred for myself
I wonder why it was so easy for her to leave
I wonder why it’s damn hard for me to
I wonder how much longer I will continue to drown
I wonder if she ever thinks of her kids, she abandoned
I wonder how long my love for them will keep me
I wonder sometimes because you see I want to run so bad
I wonder how she could leave because I can’t
I wonder how the love for her kids didn’t hold her back
Because their love is the only thing keeping me here

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I Wonder…

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4 thoughts on “I Wonder Sometimes How She Left, If It Was Easy”

  1. This powerful poem makes me feel so sad. It makes me want to find some way to ease this burden you are carrying. All I can offer is a friendship, a listening ear, and our special place to find some peace and comfort sometimes. At least there you are free and there is a lot of laughter. I count on it so much myself such a wonderful get-away with you! I am feeling much better, thank goodness! How are you doing today? How is your pain? What are you making for dinner? We are having baked salmon and asparagus with cheesy biscuits.. i do love you, Lynn!🤗

    1. Thank you, your friendship our place and laughter is all I need most days. Glad your feeling better. And your shoulder? I can’t seem to get myself to eat salmon but it’s so good for you how do you cook yours? I made tacos, rice, veggies, and buttered pasta. Just finished right now lord it’s hot. Love you dear friend see you in our place were there always much needed laughter.

  2. Probably the baked salmon and asparagus wouldn’t go over with your kids too well. I would have said yuck as a kid I think. Haha. They would probably have liked my cheesie biscuits though, so I would get points for that. Haha. My shoulder is still improving, but since I have been sick I haven’t been able to go to PT. Are you still having those awful migraines all the time? I am getting a little tired of hot tea all of the time for my flu. Maybe we could have some cocoa in our place instead. Hope you rest well tonight!🤗

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