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I’m A Little B*****y, Some Would Say, Thoughts Poetry

I'm A Little Bitchy

I’m A Little Bitchy
Some would say
I’ve always spoke my mind
Never held anything back
Didn’t start that way
Was very quiet
Then hit puberty
And boom my voice came
I grew up running the streets
I grew up drinking & smoking pot
Mom was high on shit
Gangbangers living in my house
What could you expect
I was sexually active to young
Wasn’t disciplined
Was carefree
Wanted to grow up too fast
Little did I really know what growing up meant
I was a little bitchy
I was a little to grown for my own good
I wish I could go back
As do many
I wish I could do things different
As do most
I did many things I regret
Many things I took for granted
I hurt people I said I loved
I always had to do what was done to me
I always got even
But made sure it cut worst
Lost many friends
Lost boys that loved me
Lost men I loved
Lost my heart along the way
Lost me
When I finally found my inner voice
My inner soul
When I finally found me
Is when I was faced with the reality
Of my past
For now it is to late
My sins are already paved
The past is already done
The regret is felt everyday
The pain is still there
The guilt haunts me
For now that lost love haunts me everyday

I’m A Little B*****y, Some Would Say, Thoughts Poetry

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5 thoughts on “I’m A Little B*****y, Some Would Say, Thoughts Poetry”

  1. More power to you, Lynn! Many people don’t ever find their inner voice… their inner soul. I can hear that voice and feel that soul through your poetry, Lynn. How wonderful your poetry is! It has the power to move me. It is full of what it means to be human. I am so glad that I met you through your blog! I look forward to more. – Susan

  2. Pingback: You See Me Struggling, And You Let Me, Narcissist Poetry

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