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The Astonishing Impact of Laughter on MS: An Eye-Opening Look at the Numbers Behind the Cure

Power of laughter

Welcome to the comedic tragedy of my battle with Multiple Sclerosis—a rollercoaster journey that embraced setbacks, challenges, and the occasional punchline. In this candid exposé, I’ll unravel the layers of my struggle, the setbacks that tested my resolve, and the resilience that transformed my journey from adversity to humor-infused triumph. So, fasten your seatbelts, because we’re diving into the abyss with a dash of humor and emerging victorious from the shadows.

Act 1: The MS Monologue – A Candid Introduction to Life’s Unscripted Comedy

Multiple Sclerosis entered stage left like a mischievous character in a sitcom—full of unexpected punchlines, quirky symptoms, and a plot that unfolded with every new episode. It wasn’t a supporting actor; it was the lead in a comedy that often had me wondering, “Who wrote this script?”

Comedic Entrance: Tried to resist the laughter once; now my MS journey begins with acknowledging the absurdity, finding humor in the unexpected, and embracing the unscripted comedy of life.

Act 2: The Stand-Up Comedy of Symptoms – When Laughter Becomes a Coping Mechanism

In the midst of the MS saga, humor emerged as an unexpected protagonist. Laughter wasn’t a cure, but it became a resilient sidekick—a coping mechanism that turned tremors into dance moves, fatigue into power naps, and numbness into slapstick comedy.

Stand-Up Comedy Confession: Tried to take symptoms seriously once; now my journey includes laughter as the comedic relief in this unpredictable sitcom.

Act 3: Setback Subplots – When MS Throws Unexpected Curveballs

Setbacks became the unexpected subplots in the MS sitcom—plot twists that challenged my resolve and tested my resilience. From relapses to new symptoms, each setback felt like a writer’s prank, and yet, the show had to go on.

Setback Subplot Revelation:
Tried to edit out setbacks once; now my journey includes acknowledging the unexpected plot twists, learning from them, and embracing resilience as the protagonist in this narrative.

Act 4: The Supportive Cast – Friends, Family, & the Therapist as Co-Stars

Amidst the comedy of setbacks, a supportive cast formed—a motley crew of friends, family, and a therapist who became the co-stars in this comedic tragedy. Their presence turned isolation into shared laughter, setbacks into collaborative problem-solving, and the MS sitcom into a sitcom with an ensemble cast.

Supportive Cast Confession: Tried to be a solo act once; now my journey is a shared performance, with each co-star playing a unique role in the unfolding comedy.

Act 5: The Laughing Gas – When Humor Becomes the Best Medicine

As the MS sitcom continued, laughter evolved from a coping mechanism to the best medicine in my arsenal. The comedic twist? The laughing gas wasn’t just metaphorical; it was the real, unfiltered laughter that echoed through the challenges, setbacks, and triumphs.

Laughing Gas Revelation: Tried to take everything seriously once; now my journey includes regular doses of genuine, unfiltered laughter as the best medicine for the MS sitcom.

Act 6: The Grand Finale – Emerging with a Smile & a Punchline

As we approach the grand finale, the setbacks haven’t entirely disappeared, but they’ve become punchlines in a comedy that celebrates resilience. Laughter, once the comedic relief, now takes center stage as a tool that guides me through the MS sitcom with a smile.

Smile-embraced Finale: Tried to banish setbacks once; now they coexist with laughter, creating a harmonious finale that celebrates the journey from adversity to humor-infused triumph.

The Unscripted Comedy of MS

In this unscripted comedy of MS, every punchline is a triumph, every comedic subplot is a step forward, and every setback is an opportunity to find humor in the unexpected. The journey isn’t over, but the narrative has shifted—a comedic odyssey that turns adversity into laughter, one punchline at a time.

Unapologetic Comedy Club Encore: They say laughter is the best medicine; in this comedic drama, it’s the therapy, the coping mechanism, and the grand finale’s confetti. Here’s to the ongoing sitcom of MS—a journey that embraces realness, resilience, and the quirky humor that turns setbacks into mere punchlines in life’s grand comedy club. Cheers to the punchlines, the triumphs, and the ongoing journey from adversity to humor-infused light, one laugh at a time.

In Honor Of Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month🧡🧡🧡

More On Living Well With Multiple Sclerosis

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18 thoughts on “The Astonishing Impact of Laughter on MS: An Eye-Opening Look at the Numbers Behind the Cure”

  1. What a great article! 🤣. I am glad that you liked the stuff in my other blog! It is a lot of fun. How are you doing? Hope you are feeling better. In our special place the air is so pure and nourishing for the soul. I am glad that you are there too. And yes, there is so much laughter! Thinking of you, Lynn. 🤗

    1. Today in our peaceful place the sun is going in and out as though a light is being clicked on and off. There is a bit of a chill in the air, so I brought some hot chocolate in a thermos for us to share. Betsy is eating a carrot -yes, she loves them. She holds it between her paws like she is chewing a bone. We laugh at her as she enjoys her treat! 🤣. One of the things that I appreciate about our blog friendship is that I never have to wear an “I’m fine” mask. Not only can I vent about my problems with illness and life with you, but I also share with you our place to find comfort and peace. Thank you for all that you have given me. Some part of me will always be there in our special place for as long as you need it.

      1. Oh my love me some hot chocolate you always have great scenery for us. My male cocker loves carrots to and they are actually so good for them. I agree. I thank the heaven we found eachother you are the light here when everything else seems so dark. Thank you Susan. It seems my vision is starting to be very blurred for the past week but getting worst. It’s hard for me to work on the laptop or even read here on my phone. I did call nero today to update them about my consult that is 2months out. And she said oh no all call them right now cuz you don’t need a consult and it shouldn’t be that far out. So will see she said my nero even talked to them so she doesn’t know why they would scedule so far out.

  2. I’m glad you found a positive way to cope. The saying about laughter is the best medicine must have some validity, and to have all your supporting players, too, seems very important. UK poet Julie Stevens also writes about her journey with MS.

  3. So sorry about your vision. That must be awful! ☹️. Hope that your date for your appointment comes about soon. I say enough is enough! You have had to suffer for too long!!! I go to an appointment to a specialist tomorrow about my arthritis. Hoping that they can help with some of the pain. Wish me luck! 🤗

    1. Well, I’m going in tomorrow. Can you believe it? Haha, 1 hour of observation. When I started this medication in 2020, it was 6 hours of observation. So will see. Hopefully, they will help you tomorrow. Give you something that works with minimal side effects. Seems we both have a full day tomorrow.

  4. Pingback: Understanding Fibromyalgia The Unseen Struggle

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