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In My Dreams, I’m Happy, Love Poetry, I.E.O.

In My Dreams

In My Dreams, I’m Happy
In my dreams, your smile makes my heart flutter
In my dreams, I can always find home in your eyes
In my dreams, I’m always in your arms
In my dreams, we were forever
I love it there
I try to get to that deep sleep
To get to you
I try to stay there for as long as I can
I try and really savor that moment of you
The creases your smile makes
I try and memorize your body
The feel,
The touch,
The taste of you
I try and focus on your voice
I try and embed your laugh in my mind
I try really hard to remember it all
In my dreams, I never feel unloved
In my dreams, we were always touching
In my dreams, it’s always you
I awake to this woman I live every day
It’s not the real me she can only be seen with him
Currently, only in my dreams
I.E.O. <3


In My Dreams, I’m Happy, Love Poetry, I.E.O.

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13 thoughts on “In My Dreams, I’m Happy, Love Poetry, I.E.O.”

  1. What a beautiful love poem! It speaks of the deep lasting relationship of true love. I especially like “ I can always find home in your eyes “. May you have many more happy dreams! How are you doing? Were you able to find out about your next appointment?

    1. Thank you Susan, have had a pretty shity day. I love the rain when I don’t have to go out in it, and it’s only Monday, lol. There is no news on the appointment thunk they just said whatever they needed to keep me from coming to that appointment, lol. How are you doing? How’s the weather? I never asked where you’re located. I am in southern California. It’s spose to rain all week and already completely fludded.

        1. I’m sorry you’re feeling down. You are not alone, which probably doesn’t help, lol Oh ok that’s cool. I’ve never been there. Stay warm and comfy, deer friend.

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