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Is There An Age Or Year Of Your Life You Would Re-Live? 2005 Age 15


Is there an age or year of your life you would re-live?

Yes, yes, yes!

Please take me back to 2005 when I thought life was hard. Lord, I didn’t know anything. I was happy for a time, though. I was in love with the love of my life. I was so free, so me for a while.

I think about that time every day now almost 20 years later. I wish I could go back do things differently. I wish I could stay in that time with him. I dream of it. If only I could go back.

I would savor every moment if I could go back. I would take in every touch, every kiss, every smile. I wouldn’t have lied. You wouldn’t have cheated, I wouldn’t have needed to get pay back. We would have stayed us.

At 15, I felt the weight of the world and made horrible decisions. Felt horrible pain and self-inflicted. At 15, I was with the one I wish I was still with to this day. At 15, I was loved better than I have ever been loved. At 15 I shared more of myself with another than I ever have.

2005 is the year my mind always goes back to. The year I found you, the years I was the happiest. The years I dream of, the man I wish I could go back to every day. The days I took for granted, I now earn for every moment. Age 15 is the age I want to go back to. Honestly, it’s the age I wish I could freeze and just be with you.


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7 thoughts on “Is There An Age Or Year Of Your Life You Would Re-Live? 2005 Age 15”

  1. Hi Lynn… apologies.
    Your posts are not showing on my reader. (unfollowed and refollowed)
    hope it works. 🤍
    we will always have a favored time to go back to… 🤍

  2. Pingback: Describe one thing you do that brings joy to your life? Writing - MsHazyBrain

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