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When Walking Keep Your Head Down, I Remember

When Walking Keep Your Head

When walking, keep your head down

Always look down

I remember

If you look up I will hit you 

I don’t want to see your face

I repeat over and over

Don’t look up, don’t look up

Crap I looked up

As she smacks me across my face

I should know by now

I cant look up when walking

She said so many times and has hit me many more

Why haven’t I learned 

To this day when walking I will look down

To this day I remember her

She treated me with such hatred

When Walking Keep Your Head Down, I Remember

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6 thoughts on “When Walking Keep Your Head Down, I Remember”

  1. Some things from our childhood are so hard to forget. From this poem I can feel both the little girl and the woman she has become. Just reading this poem helped me to heal some childhood traumas of my own. Thanks for this, Lynn!🤗. I have developed what they call a frozen shoulder, and I have to start physical therapy for it today. So painful! Can’t hardly move my arm. That’s all I need, huh! More pain. Feeling quite sorry for myself. I feel our special place calling. I really need some time there today. To soak in the beauty and the peace that is there for us. Maybe I will bring some brownies with me. I think that this calls for chocolate! Haha. How are you doing today?

    1. I’m glad it touched you and healed you a little. I’ve never heard of that my God sounds painful. The only way to treat it is physical therapy? I’m in our special place waiting for you hot honey green tea to soothe us a nice cool breeze as we laugh and tell each other about our pains and sorrows. Yummy brownies perfect. Only fix is chocolate. All bring my massager for you to use it works wonders. I’m doing good. I had an appointment on Monday with arthritis doctor who specializes in fibromyalgia. Mad the appointment 3 months ago almost forgot about it. She was so nice. I haven’t had a doctor be that kind in so many years I didn’t think there were any left. She suggested steroid cortisone shots in my neck and back next appointment in june for pain. And also started me on Lyrica for my fibro and MS pain low dose to see if it worked. 3 days and honestly seen a huge difference after living with severe pain every day for years, it is a much needed relief. I even cleaned my two kitchen shelves this morning which was years over do lol. And I weed eated my whole front yard Tuesday so very productive then I am normally hahaha hope it last as it is only my 3rd day how your brain gives you more peaceful thoughts and you find happiness in our place with me.

  2. I can’t tell you how happy I am to hear that you are in less pain now!! It has made me jump around with joy! I can just see you weed eating your front lawn. Haha. My physical therapy went well. I have gotten a steroid cortisone shot in my shoulder and am taking muscle relaxers to help heal the frozen shoulder. I feel encouraged. I have joined you in our special place for tea and brownies and laughter. It is a good day there with you.🤗

    1. 🤗🤗 I just love you, sweet Susan. I’m so glad I found you. Lol, I am normally the one that does the front yard for the 9 years we’ve lived in this house. We’re we live. If I don’t keep it up, we get fined, but it normally takes a lot of self conning to get me out there and am dead for a week after, lol. Oh OK same shot. How does it feel? Any side effects or anything? Great times in our special place.

  3. The steroid cortisone shot that I got in my shoulder was practically painless. Injection site was sore for a few days. No other side effects. It did make a difference in the pain! The muscle relaxants that I am taking are also helping, but they make me sleepy and goofy🤪 ( so what’s new ). I just got back from getting new hearing aids. I hope that now I won’t have to go around saying “ WHAT? “ all the time. Haha. I think that I will go to our place to rest and soak up the goodness. I am so happy there with you. So glad that i found you, Lynn! 🤗🤗

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