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Lies, I Hate That You Act Like The Victim


I hate when you lie to me
I hate that you put no effort
into your lies
I hate that you can’t just own your shit
I hate that you act like the victim
I used to care
and in return, I was yelled at and called crazy
I used to be so jealous and insecure
you made sure I stayed that way
I used to be all about you
Now that I no longer give a s***
you’re mad
I don’t give you attention
so you blatantly lie
and don’t care if your lies make sense
because in the end
you’re going to turn it on me anyway
I hate that you’re not a grown a** man
like you claim
I hate that you lie and flaunt it at the same time
I hate that you think you can still touch me
because you’ve already forgotten about your lie,
flipping out on me and making everything my fault
I hate that you think acting this way
and treating someone like this is ok
I hate that you think
I should still love and care about someone
that has treated me like
this for years…
Because I DON’T

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Lies, I Hate That You Act Like The Victim

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3 thoughts on “Lies, I Hate That You Act Like The Victim”

  1. This is a powerful poem, Lynn! Good to see you venting like this! I go to PT this afternoon, and she will give me strength training. I might turn into a body builder! Hahah! I am making another shawl for the women’s shelter. I hope that some woman in distress will feel the love when she gets it. What are you up to, dear friend? I am spending lots of time in our place. We sure do laugh a lot there! 🤣

    1. Thank you. Let me know how it went. Hahaha right. Aww I’m sure they will I know I would. As of today I took my daughter to get some clothes for school. Several stores in this scorching heat. Then a friend I used to work with at Amazon stopped by and kidnapped me hahah jk spent a good time with her catching up and both venting about our lifes and things we missed since I have not seen her in years. Our times together always brings me joy in our place

  2. Pingback: I Ask Myself Daily, Why Do You Go Out Of Your Way To Take My Smile,

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