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MS & My Many Masks, That I Show To The Would

MS Many Masks

How much of our life’s do we hide behind a mask? We have the fake smile, we have the I’m OK mask. We have the invisible one, we’re everyone ignores your struggle. We have the real one the one we wear the least. The one we’re all are pain and symptoms break threw the surface.

When asked how we are? Do we ever say the truth or the more simple answer “I’m fine”? Explaining something that they can’t see seems to be a losing battle. Sometimes, trying to explain how your feeling leaves you more drained than before. So “I’m fine” seems to always be my answer.

If we were ever to actually say how we’re really feeling what would it sound like? Would it sound like complaining? Or like lies? Would the symptoms I tell you are weighing me down seem like a normal day to a normal person? Could you ever really see me?

Do we say “I’m fine” because we know you’ll never comprehend the reality of this invisible illness. Do we continue to suffer in silence because you don’t want to understand what MS really is? Do we continue to down grade are symptoms to try and feel more normal? Do we continue to be completely misunderstood.

I take this pill everyday knowone sees. I will have to take this pill for the rest of my life. This pill did not cure me! It did not make all of my symptoms magically disappear as you all think. It does not mean I will never be sick again. I will be sick for the rest of my life!

What Mask Do You Wear?

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