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The Emotional Toll of Medication Issues: My Journey Through Pain and Triumph

Medication Issues

I have been having a shit show of a few months when it comes to my medication. My MS treatment is Gilenya it is a pill form that I take once a day. I have been on this medication since 06/9/2020. This medication is a hassle to get honestly.

Every month, I have to call and get this medication refilled. Answer there same never ending questions. And schedule for them to deliver them. Every month, fast-forward to November of absolute hell.

I called and scheduled my med, and they gave me a delivery date and everything. Day after they were spose to be delivered, I see they canceled delivery. I called, and they told me they needed prior authorization. So I’m back and forth with them and my neurologist.

Of course, my doctor never answers the phone. And, of course, they say they never got anything. For weeks, I’m doing this back and forth shit. The doctor says they don’t need prior authorization for the generic brand. Pharmacy says they’ll need a new prescription for the generic brand. Mind you, I’ve always been on the dam generic brand! My doctor just sent a new prescription 2 months prior.

Again, with the back and forth when I lose it. I’ve had it. Yall messed up, yall ain’t doing your dam job, and I’m being the middle man. I told the pharmacy you needed to talk to my doctor, not me. They finally got the prescription and now have to wait for my insurance to process and approve. Which takes over a week!

It has now been over a month. Finally, I am able to schedule for them to say they can not schedule unless I talk to the pharmacist. I have been off my med for more than 16 days. Now, I can not take the medication unless I have an observation appointment. They won’t even ship it to me unless my neurologist sends them proof of the scheduled appointment.

Now im so over it. Over this stuped pharmacy. Pissed at my neurologist. It has now been 42 days since my last pill. I have been calling my neurologist every day. Twice a day, leaving a message every other for 2 weeks now. No answer, no response, nothing!

So not only can I not have my medication until I schedule this appointment. Not only do I have to go to this clinic for them to observe me for 8 dam hours. Know were near my house mind you. But I can’t even get ahold of the dam doctor who has to schedule the dam appointment. Extremely irritating as each day without my medication is another day of me relapsing.

What makes me even more mad is that they know that. The neurologist and pharmacy both know. When you stop any MS medication, the disease can become much worse than before the medicine was started or while it was being taken. My vertigo came back to smack me in the face. My unsteadiness and fatigue are out of control. Legs are constantly twitching, arm spasms, and extreme pain.

Let’s top it off, I realize I’m out of my depression medications. Put into refill for doctor to message me that this will be the last refill until I see him. So I tried scheduling with him, and they said it would be June. That’s the soonest availability. Would that be ok? Hahahhaha are you kidding me, are you fucking kidding me! No buddy, that won’t be fine he won’t give me my medication until I see him, but they can’t see me for six 6 months.

The current state is that I’m slowly declining. My health and body. My mind is slowly but surely joining. I’ve lost all patience with everyone.

Issues With My Multiple Sclerosis Medication Part One Full Video

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10 thoughts on “The Emotional Toll of Medication Issues: My Journey Through Pain and Triumph”

    1. I just love you, Susan! It has been a struggle for sure. I finally got a hold of them Thursday for them to not have any answers to my questions, only questions. To again never getting back to me or answering the phone.

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