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I’m Going Thru Life, Not Living, Just Surviving,

I'm Going Thru Life

I’m going thru life Not living
Just surviving
You think your improving
Then you wake to face reality that this is your life
Your symptoms will always fluctuate
You will always have bad days and better ones
So I keep waking with this invisible illness
I keep waking with these demons
I keep fighting
For that is all I can do

Going Thru Life Not Living Just Surviving

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3 thoughts on “I’m Going Thru Life, Not Living, Just Surviving,”

  1. Your poetry says so much about what it is like to live with a chronic illness. Always just pushing through! I woke up today in a bad place with my illness. So hard to get up and do things. Nobody seems to notice my struggle and it feels so lonely. I go to our place for some comfort, peace, laughter and understanding. So wonderful there. How are you doing today?

    1. I completely understand. I know it doesn’t help you to know you’re not alone. I wish I could help you as no one notices my struggle either. Our place has so much laughter that it makes us forget our struggles, even for a little. It really is nice to have a safe space with no masks. I’m doing OK. lol, struggling seems to be a daily for me right now. Our car got towed last Friday. We barely got it out yesterday, so much $$$. I have been having to walk my daughter to school. Since he has my car. Which kills me takes me 20 mins there and 20 minutes back. And Lord, her backpack weights like 50 lbs kills me even more, hahah. I’m also trying to dig a walkway in my garden to lay brick down. And man, oh man, I don’t know how I ain’t really dead yet, hahaha 😂 going to go back out there after I walk her this morning and see how far I get. Also, all my cats have been laying in my planters. No wonder they ain’t growing, hahaha

  2. Actually, it really does help me a lot to know someone who understands! You and our place make me feel so much less alone. I am so grateful. Hope that hauling that backpack doesn’t lead to your demise! Hahah! Keep me posted about the progress of the walkway in your garden. 🤗

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