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Sometimes, My Thoughts are Even To Much For Me,

Sometimes My Thoghts

Sometimes my thoughts are even to much for me Sometimes the hatred
I have is even too much for me
Sometimes, the emotions
I try my hardest
To keep buried come to the surface
Sometimes, your words break through my barrier
And cut me deeper than I thought was possible
Sometimes, I can’t hold the tears back anymore
And once they start flowing, I can’t control them
Sometimes, my thoughts are even too much for me

Sometimes, My Thoughts are Even To Much For Me,

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2 thoughts on “Sometimes, My Thoughts are Even To Much For Me,”

  1. Your poetry is always so vital! This one cuts to the soul, Lynn. My asthma got to the point that I had to go to the doctor today. Xrays show thatI have a lung infection and will be taking antibiotics and steroids for a while. Ugh! This makes our place seem even more inviting. I can get away from all this at least for a while each day. I look forward to all the laughter and perhaps some nice hot tea to share. How are you today? Does your poem say a lot about your day? Wish I knew how to help more. Ii can bring some brownies to our place. Maybe chocolate will help us both… can’t hurt, right?

    1. Ugh, I’m sorry you’re going through this. I’m glad you can get away in our place, even for a little. I’m doing OK. This heat is killing me besides that, just the normal. I wrote this a while ago but sums up most 😂 brownies, your ear, and us laughing is more than enough. Chocolate seems to always help.

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