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They Asked Me What’s My Problem? They Don’t See

They ask what’s my problem
And I’m reminded of what an invisible illness this is
They can’t see my pain
My extreme exhaustion
They can’t see how badly I struggle every day
And maybe a little more today
They don’t see how hard I’m fighting
They just see an able body that isn’t doing more
They don’t see how badly I want to give up and just give in to this illness that fights me with all it has
How badly I want to tap out and let it consume me
They just like keeping tally, throwing all my failings in my face
They don’t add there’s, though
Just mine
They ask why I’m like this
If you could only see the damage that’s going on in my body
It takes everything in me not to lose it
Because it’s so invisible
I’m so invisible
In a world we’re, I so desperately need to be seen


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They asked what’s my problem?

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2 thoughts on “They Asked Me What’s My Problem? They Don’t See”

  1. Way to go, Lynn! This is a wonderful poem about what it is like to have a silent illness like MS. It really says it all! Friday at last! Hope that your weekend is full of rest, dear friend. In our place there will be all the wonders of an early spring. I made chocolate chip cookies for us to share. Love you!

    1. Thank you, friend. I was in a lot of pain Thursday, so I didn’t go in Friday. I’m also off Monday, so much recuperating. How are you? Tell me everything. I feel like I haven’t been keeping up with you as much as I want to. You are always in my thoughts, friend. I love chocolate chip cookies, yummy. we will catch up shove our face and just let everything out.

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