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We Fell Deep Fast, Something We Couldn’t Resist

We Fell Deep Fast

We were 

Something we weren’t ready for 

We were

Something neither of us have had before

We were each other’s first loves

Something neither of us saw coming

We fell deep fast

Something we couldn’t resist

We were each other’s soul, body, and mind

Something we had never felt

We were each others everything

Something will never get over

We were each others unraveling 

In the end

Something will forever regret

We were each others heartbreak

Something will always feel

We were each others lost love 

In the end

I.E.O. <3

We Fell Deep Fast, Something We Couldn’t Resist, I.E.O. <3 Poetry

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14 thoughts on “We Fell Deep Fast, Something We Couldn’t Resist”

  1. I love your poem, Lynn! Bittersweet and beautiful. I am looking at old photos of my husband and I when we were young. When I look at the mirror I can see that I am an old woman, but I still feel young inside. Who is that old woman in the mirror anyway? I won’t claim her! Haha! It does me good to see myself before i got sick,too. Strong and vital. I often live in those early days in my head. Life now can be so hard. How are you doing, Lynn? Sorry that you have such pain with Aunt flow. I have never heard it called that. I am so glad that that is behind me now. Hurrah for that! How are you doing? It is always great to hear from you! Lol

    1. Aww, I would love to see them. How long have you guys been together? Hahaha, don’t sweet Susan, you’re still strong and beautiful, my friend. I, too long for the past, I feel like a 70 year old it this shit body, hahaha. Haha, I was watching something the other day, and they called it that I can’t remember what it was, lol. I wish that after tubal removal, I would no longer get them, but here I am to suffer for no reason. Hope your weekend was good.

      1. Hi, Lynn! My husband and I met at college about 48 years ago. It was soul mates at first sight. ❤️. I moved in with him only a month after we met, and then we married shortly after that. We were and still are madly in love. We decided not to have any children, so we could spend all our time just with each other. I have never been sorry about that decision. What an adventure it has been! How much love we have shared through all the many years! I am just sorry that I got so sick, and have had to count on him and others to care for me so much. So, anyway, we have been together for 48 years!! I am not shaking too badly today, so I am doing some drawing. What are you up to? How are your MS symptoms? Lol

        1. That’s a long time. I’m glad to know you can still be madly in love so many years later. It was so cold and rainy today. Head is hurting today. “Migraine” still no news from the doctor.

          1. I am so sorry that you have to suffer from a migraine headache! Those are supposed to be awful. It makes me so mad that you haven’t heard from the doctors yet. There is no excuse for it! I am thinking of you, dear friend. I hope that the rest of the week is better for you. Lol

            1. They are, lol. I take a shot once a month that normally keeps them at bay. Some seem to break through which I take sumatriptan for. They are shit arnt they Susan and everytime I call its like I’m a burden and bugging them. Thank you

              1. Do the migraines come because of the MS, or are they unrelated? All you need right now is another source of pain! It makes me so sad to know that you have to suffer like this. Yes, Lynn, I must agree. The doctors and their cohorts are treating you like shit. Wishing you better days soon.

        2. Pingback: You Were Everything To Me, Love Poetry

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